PECOGO IN FULL SWING "The Leaves are falling"

05 Mar 2023 8 mins


The wind that is shaking trees, the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act ("PECOGO"), is in full effect and there's no place for public entities to hide. It will ensure responsibility, accountability and transparency in the boards and management of public entities. The deadline of 31st of August 2018 for submissions of PECOGO compliance status, declaration of assets to the OPC as well as board composition, executive management and remuneration details has already passed.

This illustrates the intensity and speed at which implementation of PECOGO is taking place and will hopefully continue to do so. It is important to ensure that every public entity, its board members and senior executives are well- versed of the key messages, transitional arrangements and implementation measures ensure that they are not caught on the wrong side of the law. For this reason, Zimlef will be hosting PECOGO II workshop to further elaborate on these aspects.

"Change is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth" - Jack Canfield

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